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uwsgi 之 threads, processes, workers 含义

2023-03-07 09:46:19 时间

怎么得知这些配置参数的含义,当然从 help 下手:

[root@VM_2_29_centos ~]# uwsgi --help | grep thread    
-p|--processes                          spawn the specified number of workers/processes
-p|--workers                            spawn the specified number of workers/processes
--threads                               run each worker in prethreaded mode with the specified number of threads

* processes 和 workers 参数的含义是一样的,理解为 进程, threads 就在 每个 processes 或 workers 下 运行的线程数了。

  --py-auto-reload                        monitor python modules mtime to trigger reload (use only in development)
    --py-autoreload                         monitor python modules mtime to trigger reload (use only in development)
    --python-auto-reload                    monitor python modules mtime to trigger reload (use only in development)
    --python-autoreload                     monitor python modules mtime to trigger reload (use only in development)

* --py-auto-reload 、--py-autoreload、--python-auto-reload、--python-autoreload 这四个参数配置的含义都是一样的,python 文件修改后重启 uwsgi