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Selenium Chrome 版本与 ChromeDriver 版本兼容对照对比

2023-03-07 09:44:01 时间

Chrome 73 版本以后, ChromeDriver 和 Chrome 版本是一对一,版本号是一样的。

ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome

ChromeDriver 75.0.3770.90

Supports Chrome version 75

The most noticeable change is ChromeDriver now runs in W3C standard compliant mode by default. Other changes include:

  • Fixed a bug that caused blur event to be raised twice during element clear
  • Renamed capability loggingPrefs to goog:loggingPrefs, as required by W3C standard
  • Fixed error handling in W3C mode
  • Correct handling of creating cookies without leading dot in the domain name
  • Allows null for script timeout
  • Fixed Element Send Keys command to file input with 'multiple' attribute
  • Fixed Get Active Element command to return "no such element" error when no active element exists
  • Fixed navigation to malformed URL to return "invalid argument" error
  • Fixed HTTP status code when invalid session id is received
  • Fixed error response when input parameter is missing or malformed
  • Fixed Execute Script command to handle line-oriented JavaScript comment

For more details, please see the release notes.

ChromeDriver 74.0.3729.6

Supports Chrome version 74

  • Fixed a bug that generated unexpected debug.log file on Windows
  • Fixed mouse clicking and drag / drop inside SVG document
  • Added cache-control header in responses from ChromeDriver
  • Fixed the type of error when click is intercepted by a different element
  • Fixed a bug that caused ChromeDriver to fail on Linux devices without /dev/shm
  • Fixed some types of double click events
  • Fixed Get Sessions command
  • Fixed error checking in Switch To Frame command
  • Fixed Get Page Source command

For more details, please see the release notes.

ChromeDriver 73.0.3683.68

Supports Chrome version 73

  • Fixed a bug that generated unexpected debug.log file on Windows
  • Fixed error code returned from Execute Script command in some scenarios
  • Added cache-control header in responses from ChromeDriver
  • Made the HTTP server keep connection alive by default
  • Fixed Close Window command to correctly handle user prompts
  • Fixed error code returned while sending keys to disabled element
  • Improved spec compliance of timeout value handling
  • Improved spec compliance of Add Cookie command
  • Increased HTTP server listening queue length
  • Fixed Is Element Displayed command in v0 shadow DOM
  • Added warning about Element Clear command behavior change in log file
  • Fixed Execute Script command to correctly convert document.all into JSON format
  • Improved handling of bad element reference

For more details, please see the release notes.

--- ChromeDriver 支持的 Chrome 版本号 ---

ChromeDriver 2.45

Supports Chrome v70-72

ChromeDriver 2.44

Supports Chrome v69-71

ChromeDriver 2.43

Supports Chrome v69-71

ChromeDriver 2.42

Supports Chrome v68-70

ChromeDriver 2.41

Supports Chrome v67-69

ChromeDriver 2.40

Supports Chrome v66-68

ChromeDriver 2.39

Supports Chrome v66-68

ChromeDriver 2.38

Supports Chrome v65-67

ChromeDriver 2.37

Supports Chrome v64-66

ChromeDriver 2.36

Supports Chrome v63-65

ChromeDriver 2.35

Supports Chrome v62-64

ChromeDriver 2.34

Supports Chrome v61-63

chromedirver 淘宝镜像下载地址:下载

chromedirver 谷歌下载地址:下载

说明:chrome 64 版本起,消除恼人的重定向、减少在点击想要的内容时却在新窗口弹出广告、以及挂起页面叠层上让你误击的广告链接。所以做测试的童鞋过程中有需要重定向的页面,得下载64以前版本。

63版本网盘下载链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1o4wlkc2UBuuTfqjhD2IQWQ 提取码:pnmd