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2023-03-07 09:40:20 时间



import csv
    with open(filename, 'w') as output:
        f = csv.writer(output)

.在win7下, 用msys2环境执行同一个python脚本, 发现生成的csv有两个问题: 1)有空行, 2)编码变成了GB2312

关于空行的问题, 百度的结果都是open(filename, 'wb')来解决, 但是在python3下会报

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

.最终在stackoverflow上找到答案是python3的csv处理改了, 用binary时不能用str,  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35100280/python3-csv-writerows-typeerror-str-does-not-support-the-buffer-interface

解决办法是用 newline=''

with open(filename, "w", newline="")

.空行问题解决了, 然后是编码问题

百度上那种在写入时实时转换编码的方案肯定是有问题的, 最终找到的解决办法是使用unicodecsv替换csv, 然后writer里带上参数 encoding='utf-8'

import unicodecsv as csv
    f = csv.writer(output, encoding='utf-8')


TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

咦这不是刚解决过吗, 看了下unicodecsv的使用说明 https://pypi.org/project/unicodecsv/0.14.1/  这货要用binary模式打开文件, 所以要改为

with open(filename, 'wb') as output:




在win7下, sha256sum的结果会在文件名前面默认加星号, 而在ubuntu下, 默认不加星号, 关于星号的解释是这样的

The sums are computed as described in FIPS-180-2.  When checking, the input
should be a former output of this program.  The default mode is to print a
line with checksum, a space, a character indicating input mode ('*' for binary,
' ' for text or where binary is insignificant), and name for each FILE.

看起来可以用-t参数强制指定使用text格式, 这样前面就不会出现星号了, 但是对结果会不会有影响呢? 测试了一个windows下创建的文本文件

Milton@ MSYS /d/
$ sha256sum -t win_text.txt
77a6b0ba40dd08f35c056386a248c0aab2de7fec0b1a2865cd41d09842147db5  win_text.txt

Milton@ MSYS /d/
$ sha256sum -b win_text.txt
77a6b0ba40dd08f35c056386a248c0aab2de7fec0b1a2865cd41d09842147db5 *win_text.txt


Milton@ MSYS /d
$ sha256sum -t 2018-12-31_2.zip
86dd42cae6b42420b60b8d35bd6168732e974c44a812486fdbbe5131b23dce79  2018-12-31_2.zip

Milton@ MSYS /d
$ sha256sum -b 2018-12-31_2.zip
86dd42cae6b42420b60b8d35bd6168732e974c44a812486fdbbe5131b23dce79 *2018-12-31_2.zip

.看来也没有影响, 所以就在windows下增加-t参数避免输出星号吧