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2023-03-07 09:11:51 时间

面向对象 使用实义化的对象 挑战1/1 MAKEPERSON 问题:


创建一个空对象; 给空对象一个键名为name的属性,键值为输入函数的name参数的值; 给空对象一个键名为age的属性,键值为输入函数的age参数的值; 返回对象。 题解: /



/ CHALLENGE 1 of 1 /

function makePerson(name, age) { // add code here const innerObj = {}; innerObj["name"] = name; innerObj["age"] = age; return innerObj; }

const vicky = makePerson("Vicky", 24);

/ Uncomment these lines to test your work! / console.log(vicky.name); // -> Logs 'Vicky' console.log(vicky.age); // -> Logs 24 使用Object.create 挑战1/3 PERSONSTORE 问题:




                   USING OBJECT.CREATE


/ CHALLENGE 1 of 3 /

const personStore = { // add code here greet: function () {


}, };

/ Uncomment this line to test your work! / personStore.greet(); // -> Logs 'hello' 挑战2/3 PERSONFROMPERSONSTORE 问题:


题解: / CHALLENGE 2 of 3 /

function personFromPersonStore(name, age) { // add code here const innerObj = Object.create(personStore); innerObj["name"] = name; innerObj["age"] = age; return innerObj; }

const sandra = personFromPersonStore("Sandra", 26);

// / Uncomment these lines to test your work! / console.log(sandra.name); // -> Logs 'Sandra' console.log(sandra.age); //-> Logs 26 sandra.greet(); //-> Logs 'hello' 挑战3/3 INTRODUCE 问题:

在不改变上述已写代码的情况下,给personStore对象添加一个用于打印“Hi,my name is [name]”的introduce方法。

题解: / CHALLENGE 3 of 3 /

// add code here personStore["introduce"] = function () { console.log(Hi, my name is ${this.name}); };

sandra.introduce(); // -> Logs 'Hi, my name is Sandra' 使用”new“关键词 挑战1/3 PERSONCONSTRUCTOR 问题:


题解: /

                USING THE 'NEW' KEYWORD


/ CHALLENGE 1 of 3 /

function PersonConstructor() { // add code here this.greet = () => console.log("hello"); }

// / Uncomment this line to test your work! / const simon = new PersonConstructor(); simon.greet(); // -> Logs 'hello' 挑战2/3 PERSONFROMCONSTRUCTOR 问题:


题解: / CHALLENGE 2 of 3 /

function personFromConstructor(name, age) { // add code here const innerPerson = new PersonConstructor(); innerPerson.name = name; innerPerson.age = age; return innerPerson; }

const mike = personFromConstructor("Mike", 30);

/ Uncomment these lines to test your work! / console.log(mike.name); // -> Logs 'Mike' console.log(mike.age); //-> Logs 30 mike.greet(); //-> Logs 'hello' 挑战3/3 INTRODUCE 问题:

在不改变上述已写代码的情况下,给PersonConstructor函数添加一个打印“Hi, my name is [name]”的introduce方法。

题解: / CHALLENGE 3 of 3 / // add code here PersonConstructor.prototype.introduce = function () { console.log(Hi, my name is ${this.name}); };

mike.introduce(); // -> Logs 'Hi, my name is Mike' 使用ES6的类 挑战1/2 PERSONCLASS 问题:


题解: /

                    USING ES6 CLASSES


/ CHALLENGE 1 of 2 /

class PersonClass { constructor(name) {

// add code here
this.name = name;


// add code here greet() {


} }

// / Uncomment this line to test your work! / const george = new PersonClass(''); george.greet(); // -> Logs 'hello' 挑战2/2 DEVELOPERCLASS 问题:

构建DeveloperClass类。DeveloperClass类通过扩展PersonClass类来构造对象。除拥有name属性和greet方法外,DeveloperClass还应有个introduce方法。当被调用时,introduce方法会打印“Hello World, my name is [name]”.

题解: / CHALLENGE 2 of 2 /

// add code here class DeveloperClass extends PersonClass { introduce() {

console.log(`Hello World, my name is ${this.name}`);

} }

/ Uncomment these lines to test your work! / const thai = new DeveloperClass("Thai", 32); console.log(thai.name); // -> Logs 'Thai' thai.introduce(); //-> Logs 'Hello World, my name is Thai' 拓展:子类 挑战1/5 ADMINFUNCTIONSTORE 问题:


题解: const userFunctionStore = { sayType: function () {

console.log("I am a " + this.type);

}, };

let adminFunctionStore = Object.create(userFunctionStore); 挑战2/5 ADMINFACTORY 问题:


题解: function userFactory(name, score) { let user = Object.create(userFunctionStore); user.type = "User"; user.name = name; user.score = score; return user; }

function adminFactory(name, score) {

const admin = new userFactory(name, score);
return admin;

} 挑战3/5 ADMINFACTORY 问题:


题解: function adminFactory(name, score) {

const admin = new userFactory(name, score);
admin.type = 'Admin';
return admin;

} 挑战4/5 ADMINFACTORY 问题:


题解: function adminFactory(name, score) { let admin = Object.create(adminFunctionStore, {

name: {
  value: name,
score: {
  value: score,

}); admin.type = "Admin"; return admin; } 挑战5/5 SHAREPUBLICMESSAGE 问题:

创建一个打印“Welcome users!”的sharePublicMessage方法,适用于adminFactory对象,但不适用于userFactory对象。请不要在adminFactory中直接添加这个方法。

题解: const adminFunctionStore = Object.create(userFunctionStore, { sharePublicMessage: {

value: function () {
  console.log("Welcome users!");

}, });

function adminFactory(name, score) { let admin = Object.create(adminFunctionStore, {

name: {
  value: name,
score: {
  value: score,

}); admin.type = "Admin"; return admin; }

const adminTester = new adminFactory("Mike", 89); adminTester.sharePublicMessage(); // -> "Welcom users!" console.log(adminTester.type); // -> "Admin" const userTester = new userFactory("June", 90); // userTester.sharePublisMessage(); // -> error! console.log(userTester.type); // -> "User"

const adminFromFactory = adminFactory("Eva", 5); adminFromFactory.sayType(); // -> Logs "I am a Admin" adminFromFactory.sharePublicMessage(); // -> Logs "Welcome users!" 拓展:Mixins 问题:

Mixins是面向对象编程中使对象获得除继承外的方法和属性的工具。在这个挑战中,补充下方代码,使robotFido拥有robotMixin的所有属性。请仅适用一行代码,在不逐个添加属性的情况下。 class Dog { constructor() {

this.legs = 4;

} speak() {


} }

const robotMixin = { skin: 'metal', speak: function() { console.log(I have {this.legs} legs and am made of {this.skin}) },}

let robotFido = new Dog(); 题解: robotFido = Object.assign(robotFido, robotMixin);

robotFido.speak(); // -> Logs "I am made of 4 legs and am made of metal"