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空间转录组2022||空间数据反卷积RCTD分析:full mode on Visium hippocampus

2023-03-07 09:07:59 时间


  • https://github.com/dmcable/spacexr
  • 官方教程: https://github.com/dmcable/spacexr/tree/master/vignettes
  • 文献解读:10X单细胞空间联合分析之十(RCTD) https://www.jianshu.com/p/92a6df0dcb1b


今天先来学习Full mode: full mode on Visium hippocampushttps://raw.githack.com/dmcable/spacexr/master/vignettes/spatial-transcriptomics.html). full mode可以用于100-micron resolution Visium数据。




# 示例数据文件夹 # directory for sample Visium dataset
datadir <- system.file("extdata",'SpatialRNA/VisiumVignette',package = 'spacexr') 

# 输出文件夹,可以换成自己指定的
savedir <- 'RCTD_results'

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  cache = TRUE,
  out.width = "100%"


本次使用数据为hippocampus Visium数据,首先,使用一个已经注释好的单细胞数据海马体数据集对空间数据用RCTD进行细胞注释,然后做区域差异表达分析。


full mode可以对每个spots反卷积成任意细胞数,对于Visium空间数据比较合适。


### Load in/preprocess your data, this might vary based on your file type
# load in counts matrix
counts <- as.data.frame(readr::read_csv(file.path(datadir,"counts.csv"))) 
coords <- read.csv(file.path(datadir,"coords.csv"))
rownames(counts) <- counts[,1]; counts[,1] <- NULL
rownames(coords) <- coords[,1]; coords[,1] <- NULL
# In this case, total counts per pixel is nUMI
nUMI <- colSums(counts) 
puck <- SpatialRNA(coords, counts, nUMI)

barcodes <- colnames(puck@counts)
p <- plot_puck_continuous(puck, barcodes, puck@nUMI, ylimit = c(0,round(quantile(puck@nUMI,0.9))), 
                    title ='plot of nUMI', size=4.5, alpha=0.8) 
ggsave(paste0(savedir, "/Spaital_nUNI_Plot.png"), width=8, height=6, plot=p,bg="white")




Formal class 'SpatialRNA' [package "spacexr"] with 3 slots
  ..@ coords:'data.frame':      313 obs. of  2 variables:
  .. ..$ x: int [1:313] 4125 4125 4604 3047 4125 3047 4005 4125 3646 4484 ...
  .. ..$ y: int [1:313] 5477 3000 4101 3895 6028 4858 5684 3964 5752 3069 ...
  ..@ counts:Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  .. .. ..@ i       : int [1:85720] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
  .. .. ..@ p       : int [1:314] 0 275 551 827 1101 1377 1650 1926 2202 2478 ...
  .. .. ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 276 313
  .. .. ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:276] "Rpl7" "Cox5b" "Rpl31" "Rpl37a" ...
  .. .. ..@ x       : num [1:85720] 8 17 8 11 7 8 6 4 9 15 ...
  .. .. ..@ factors : list()
  ..@ nUMI  : Named num [1:313] 4818 13002 7156 5612 5844 ...



# directory for the reference
refdir <- system.file("extdata",'Reference/Visium_Ref',package = 'spacexr') 

# load in cell types
counts <- read.csv(file.path(refdir,"counts.csv")) 
rownames(counts) <- counts[,1]; counts[,1] <- NULL

# load in cell types
cell_types <- read.csv(file.path(refdir,"cell_types.csv")) 
cell_types <- setNames(cell_types[[2]], cell_types[[1]])
cell_types <- as.factor(cell_types) 

# load in cell types
nUMI <- read.csv(file.path(refdir,"nUMI.csv")) 
nUMI <- setNames(nUMI[[2]], nUMI[[1]])

reference <- Reference(counts, cell_types, nUMI)


counts[1:4, 1:4]







Formal class 'Reference' [package "spacexr"] with 3 slots
  ..@ cell_types: Factor w/ 17 levels "Astrocyte","CA1",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
  .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:510] "P60HippoRep6P2_GACTTGAAATGC" "P60HippoRep2P2_ACTGAAGAATTN" "P60HippoRep2P2_CCTTAGCCCTGG" "P60HippoRep5P3_GTCAAGGCGGGC" ...
  ..@ counts    :Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  .. .. ..@ i       : int [1:69901] 1 2 4 9 11 12 16 22 23 26 ...
  .. .. ..@ p       : int [1:511] 0 112 215 384 566 668 746 880 1032 1163 ...
  .. .. ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 307 510
  .. .. ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:307] "Acta2" "Actb" "Ahi1" "Aldoa" ...
  .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:510] "P60HippoRep6P2_GACTTGAAATGC" "P60HippoRep2P2_ACTGAAGAATTN" "P60HippoRep2P2_CCTTAGCCCTGG" "P60HippoRep5P3_GTCAAGGCGGGC" ...
  .. .. ..@ x       : num [1:69901] 4 1 6 2 1 24 10 1 1 1 ...
  .. .. ..@ factors : list()
  ..@ nUMI      : Named int [1:510] 996 1199 2313 3929 884 586 1378 1768 1486 1331 ...
  .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:510] "P60HippoRep6P2_GACTTGAAATGC" "P60HippoRep2P2_ACTGAAGAATTN" "P60HippoRep2P2_CCTTAGCCCTGG" "P60HippoRep5P3_GTCAAGGCGGGC" ...


myRCTD <- create.RCTD(puck, reference, max_cores = 2)
myRCTD <- run.RCTD(myRCTD, doublet_mode = 'full')



Formal class 'RCTD' [package "spacexr"] with 9 slots
  ..@ spatialRNA        :Formal class 'SpatialRNA' [package "spacexr"] with 3 slots
  .. .. ..@ coords:'data.frame':        313 obs. of  2 variables:
  .. .. .. ..$ x: int [1:313] 4125 4125 4604 3047 4125 3047 4005 4125 3646 4484 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ y: int [1:313] 5477 3000 4101 3895 6028 4858 5684 3964 5752 3069 ...
  .. .. ..@ counts:Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  .. .. .. .. ..@ i       : int [1:37939] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..@ p       : int [1:314] 0 122 244 366 488 610 730 852 974 1096 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 122 313
  .. .. .. .. ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:122] "Aldoc" "Apoe" "Atp1a2" "Atp5f1" ...
  .. .. .. .. ..@ x       : num [1:37939] 10 18 8 7 6 25 7 25 50 4 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..@ factors : list()
  .. .. ..@ nUMI  : Named num [1:313] 4818 13002 7156 5612 5844 ...
  .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:313] "AAAGGGATGTAGCAAG-1" "AAAGGGCAGCTTGAAT-1" "AACAACTGGTAGTTGC-1" "AACCCAGAGACGGAGA-1" ...
  ..@ originalSpatialRNA:Formal class 'SpatialRNA' [package "spacexr"] with 3 slots
  .. .. ..@ coords:'data.frame':        313 obs. of  2 variables:
  .. .. .. ..$ x: int [1:313] 4125 4125 4604 3047 4125 3047 4005 4125 3646 4484 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ y: int [1:313] 5477 3000 4101 3895 6028 4858 5684 3964 5752 3069 ...
  .. .. ..@ counts:Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  .. .. .. .. ..@ i       : int [1:85720] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..@ p       : int [1:314] 0 275 551 827 1101 1377 1650 1926 2202 2478 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 276 313
  .. .. .. .. ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:276] "Rpl7" "Cox5b" "Rpl31" "Rpl37a" ...
  .. .. .. .. ..@ x       : num [1:85720] 8 17 8 11 7 8 6 4 9 15 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..@ factors : list()
  .. .. ..@ nUMI  : Named num [1:313] 4818 13002 7156 5612 5844 ...
  .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:313] "AAAGGGATGTAGCAAG-1" "AAAGGGCAGCTTGAAT-1" "AACAACTGGTAGTTGC-1" "AACCCAGAGACGGAGA-1" ...
  ..@ reference         :Formal class 'Reference' [package "spacexr"] with 3 slots
  .. .. ..@ cell_types: Factor w/ 17 levels "Astrocyte","CA1",..: 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 ...
  .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:85] "P60HippoRep3P1_ATTATACTTGCG" "P60HippoRep1P2_TCACCCTCAAGC" "P60HippoRep2P2_CCTTAGCCCTGG" "P60HippoRep4P3_CTCCCCTTAATC" ...
  .. .. ..@ counts    :Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  .. .. .. .. ..@ i       : int [1:12442] 1 2 4 10 12 13 16 21 23 25 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..@ p       : int [1:86] 0 95 262 431 653 756 905 1097 1298 1551 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 307 85
  .. .. .. .. ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:307] "Acta2" "Actb" "Ahi1" "Aldoa" ...
  .. .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:85] "P60HippoRep3P1_ATTATACTTGCG" "P60HippoRep1P2_TCACCCTCAAGC" "P60HippoRep2P2_CCTTAGCCCTGG" "P60HippoRep4P3_CTCCCCTTAATC" ...
  .. .. .. .. ..@ x       : num [1:12442] 2 1 10 2 16 1 11 1 2 1 ...
  .. .. .. .. ..@ factors : list()
  .. .. ..@ nUMI      : Named int [1:85] 755 1936 2313 3614 1199 1414 2512 4002 8253 5677 ...
  .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:85] "P60HippoRep3P1_ATTATACTTGCG" "P60HippoRep1P2_TCACCCTCAAGC" "P60HippoRep2P2_CCTTAGCCCTGG" "P60HippoRep4P3_CTCCCCTTAATC" ...
  ..@ config            :List of 22
  .. ..$ gene_cutoff         : num 0.000125
  .. ..$ fc_cutoff           : num 0.5
  .. ..$ gene_cutoff_reg     : num 2e-04
  .. ..$ fc_cutoff_reg       : num 0.75
  .. ..$ UMI_min             : num 100
  .. ..$ UMI_min_sigma       : num 300
  .. ..$ max_cores           : num 2
  .. ..$ N_epoch             : num 8
  .. ..$ N_X                 : num 50000
  .. ..$ K_val               : num 100
  .. ..$ N_fit               : num 1000
  .. ..$ N_epoch_bulk        : num 30
  .. ..$ MIN_CHANGE_BULK     : num 1e-04
  .. ..$ MIN_CHANGE_REG      : num 0.001
  .. ..$ UMI_max             : num 2e+07
  .. ..$ counts_MIN          : num 10
  .. ..$ MIN_OBS             : num 3
  .. ..$ MAX_MULTI_TYPES     : num 4
  .. ..$ DOUBLET_THRESHOLD   : num 25
  .. ..$ RCTDmode            : chr "full"
  .. ..$ doublet_mode        : chr "full"
  ..@ cell_type_info    :List of 2
  .. ..$ info  :List of 3
  .. .. ..$ :'data.frame':      307 obs. of  17 variables:
  .. .. .. ..$ Astrocyte            : num [1:307] 2.31e-05 2.53e-03 2.09e-04 7.12e-04 8.77e-03 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ CA1                  : num [1:307] 0.00 2.85e-03 9.55e-04 1.08e-03 8.91e-05 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ CA3                  : num [1:307] 0 0.001891 0.000362 0.001063 0.0001 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Cajal_Retzius        : num [1:307] 0.00 2.51e-03 7.78e-04 1.25e-03 3.78e-05 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Choroid              : num [1:307] 1.96e-06 1.53e-03 7.45e-05 9.64e-04 3.55e-05 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Denate               : num [1:307] 0.00 3.95e-03 1.06e-03 1.43e-03 9.47e-05 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Endothelial_Stalk    : num [1:307] 0.00 6.15e-03 7.55e-05 2.48e-04 2.73e-04 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Endothelial_Tip      : num [1:307] 0 0.003204 0.000312 0.000223 0.000186 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Entorihinal          : num [1:307] 0 0.001853 0.001246 0.001098 0.000276 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Ependymal            : num [1:307] 0.000925 0.003346 0.000247 0.00041 0.000506 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Interneuron          : num [1:307] 0 0.001779 0.001251 0.001012 0.000114 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Microglia_Macrophages: num [1:307] 0 0.008027 0.000361 0.000502 0.000234 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Mural                : num [1:307] 0.010468 0.009888 0.000145 0.001087 0.000281 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Neurogenesis         : num [1:307] 0 0.007595 0.000314 0.000104 0.000133 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Neuron.Slc17a6       : num [1:307] 3.99e-05 2.01e-03 1.54e-03 1.60e-03 1.12e-04 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Oligodendrocyte      : num [1:307] 0.00 5.35e-03 5.36e-05 6.72e-04 4.75e-04 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Polydendrocyte       : num [1:307] 0 0.004245 0.00023 0.000265 0.000367 ...
  .. .. ..$ : chr [1:17] "Astrocyte" "CA1" "CA3" "Cajal_Retzius" ...
  .. .. ..$ : int 17
  .. ..$ renorm:List of 3
  .. .. ..$ :'data.frame':      122 obs. of  17 variables:
  .. .. .. ..$ Astrocyte            : num [1:122] 0.03946 0.06151 0.02067 0.00247 0.00384 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ CA1                  : num [1:122] 0.000401 0.000483 0.000393 0.000771 0.000516 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ CA3                  : num [1:122] 4.52e-04 2.87e-04 6.84e-05 7.67e-04 1.66e-04 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Cajal_Retzius        : num [1:122] 0.00017 0.000304 0.000933 0.0019 0.001271 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Choroid              : num [1:122] 0.00016 0.01603 0.00105 0.00276 0.00112 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Denate               : num [1:122] 0.000426 0.00125 0.000161 0.001855 0.000682 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Endothelial_Stalk    : num [1:122] 0.00123 0.005732 0.000646 0.001426 0.001425 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Endothelial_Tip      : num [1:122] 0.000838 0.028824 0.016866 0.000922 0.002654 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Entorihinal          : num [1:122] 1.24e-03 3.07e-04 7.69e-05 1.43e-03 5.16e-04 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Ependymal            : num [1:122] 0.00228 0.02773 0.00143 0.00101 0.00151 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Interneuron          : num [1:122] 0.000515 0.00066 0.000194 0.001144 0.000779 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Microglia_Macrophages: num [1:122] 0.001052 0.012869 0.000131 0.001145 0.003646 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Mural                : num [1:122] 0.00126 0.00283 0.0084 0.0015 0.00267 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Neurogenesis         : num [1:122] 0.000601 0.001941 0.000344 0.001637 0.000988 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Neuron.Slc17a6       : num [1:122] 0.000505 0.000372 0.000115 0.001564 0.00067 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Oligodendrocyte      : num [1:122] 0.002139 0.010166 0.000455 0.001387 0.003402 ...
  .. .. .. ..$ Polydendrocyte       : num [1:122] 0.00165 0.01303 0.00225 0.00153 0.00394 ...
  .. .. ..$ : chr [1:17] "Astrocyte" "CA1" "CA3" "Cajal_Retzius" ...
  .. .. ..$ : int 17
  ..@ internal_vars     :List of 8
  .. ..$ gene_list_reg      : chr [1:102] "Aldoc" "Apoe" "Atp1a2" "Cd81" ...
  .. ..$ gene_list_bulk     : chr [1:122] "Aldoc" "Apoe" "Atp1a2" "Atp5f1" ...
  .. ..$ proportions        : Named num [1:17] 1.21e-01 2.54e-07 2.60e-01 5.61e-01 9.39e-03 ...
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:17] "Astrocyte" "CA1" "CA3" "Cajal_Retzius" ...
  .. ..$ class_df           :'data.frame':      17 obs. of  1 variable:
  .. .. ..$ class: chr [1:17] "Astrocyte" "CA1" "CA3" "Cajal_Retzius" ...
  .. ..$ cell_types_assigned: logi TRUE
  .. ..$ sigma              : num 0.21
  .. ..$ Q_mat              : num [1:103, 1:2536] 1.00 1.43e-05 1.60e-06 9.72e-07 6.88e-07 ...
  .. .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:103] "V1" "V2" "V3" "V4" ...
  .. .. .. ..$ : NULL
  .. ..$ X_vals             : num [1:2536] 1.00e-05 2.83e-05 5.20e-05 8.00e-05 1.12e-04 ...
  ..@ results           :List of 1
  .. ..$ weights:Formal class 'dgCMatrix' [package "Matrix"] with 6 slots
  .. .. .. ..@ i       : int [1:5321] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...
  .. .. .. ..@ p       : int [1:18] 0 313 626 939 1252 1565 1878 2191 2504 2817 ...
  .. .. .. ..@ Dim     : int [1:2] 313 17
  .. .. .. ..@ Dimnames:List of 2
  .. .. .. .. ..$ : chr [1:17] "Astrocyte" "CA1" "CA3" "Cajal_Retzius" ...
  .. .. .. ..@ x       : num [1:5321] 0.0436 0.0113 0.0473 0.0394 0.0574 ...
  .. .. .. ..@ factors : list()
  ..@ de_results        : list()
  ..@ internal_vars_de  : list()


RCTD full mode的结果保存在@results$weights中。接下来使用normalize_weights函数标化这个权重,使得每个spots中的各种细胞类型比例加起来等于1。

## result
myRCTD <- readRDS(file.path(savedir,'myRCTD_visium_full.rds'))
barcodes <- colnames(myRCTD@spatialRNA@counts)
weights <- myRCTD@results$weights
norm_weights <- normalize_weights(weights)


# observe weight values
cell_types <- c('Denate', 'Neurogenesis','Cajal_Retzius')

6 x 17 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
                    Astrocyte          CA1          CA3 Cajal_Retzius
AAAGGGATGTAGCAAG-1 0.05574455 1.749977e-04 1.749977e-04    0.06513845
AAAGGGCAGCTTGAAT-1 0.01127636 2.001086e-01 2.329982e-03    0.22292711
AACAACTGGTAGTTGC-1 0.06214291 6.172927e-05 6.172927e-05    0.07028278
AACCCAGAGACGGAGA-1 0.05533508 1.923783e-04 1.923783e-04    0.05714832
AACCGAGCTTGGTCAT-1 0.06701348 1.598240e-04 1.598240e-04    0.09502877
AACGATAGAAGGGCCG-1 0.04751156 7.180834e-07 7.180834e-07    0.01287445




# plot Dentate weights
p <- plot_puck_continuous(myRCTD@spatialRNA, barcodes, norm_weights[,'Denate'], ylimit = c(0,0.5), 
                     title ='plot of Dentate weights', size=4.5, alpha=0.8) 
ggsave(paste0(savedir, "/Spaital_weights.png"), width=8, height=6, plot=p,bg="white")




m <- as.matrix(norm_weights)
p <- coords

plt <- vizAllTopics(theta = m,
             pos = p,
             groups = NA,
             group_cols = NA,
             r = 56, # size of scatterpies; adjust depending on the coordinates of the pixels
             lwd = 0.3,
             showLegend = TRUE,
             plotTitle = "scatterpies")

## function returns a `ggplot2` object, so other aesthetics can be added on:
plt <- plt + ggplot2::guides(fill=ggplot2::guide_legend(ncol=2))
ggsave(paste0(savedir, "/Spaital_scatterpies.png"), width=12, height=6, plot=plt, bg="white")


