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Mycat 管理命令2

2023-03-31 10:28:50 时间


使用 show @@help 能够查看所有可用命令

mysql> show @@help;
| STATEMENT                                | DESCRIPTION                                |
| show @@time.current                      | Report current timestamp                   |
| show @@time.startup                      | Report startup timestamp                   |
| show @@version                           | Report Mycat Server version                |
| show @@server                            | Report server status                       |
| show @@threadpool                        | Report threadPool status                   |
| show @@database                          | Report databases                           |
| show @@datanode                          | Report dataNodes                           |
| show @@datanode where schema = ?         | Report dataNodes                           |
| show @@datasource                        | Report dataSources                         |
| show @@datasource where dataNode = ?     | Report dataSources                         |
| show @@datasource.synstatus              | Report datasource data synchronous         |
| show @@datasource.syndetail where name=? | Report datasource data synchronous detail  |
| show @@datasource.cluster                | Report datasource galary cluster variables |
| show @@processor                         | Report processor status                    |
| show @@command                           | Report commands status                     |
| show @@connection                        | Report connection status                   |
| show @@cache                             | Report system cache usage                  |
| show @@backend                           | Report backend connection status           |
| show @@session                           | Report front session details               |
| show @@connection.sql                    | Report connection sql                      |
| show @@sql.execute                       | Report execute status                      |
| show @@sql.detail where id = ?           | Report execute detail status               |
| show @@sql                               | Report SQL list                            |
| show @@sql.high                          | Report Hight Frequency SQL                 |
| show @@sql.slow                          | Report slow SQL                            |
| show @@sql.sum                           | Report  User RW Stat                       |
| show @@sql.sum.user                      | Report  User RW Stat                       |
| show @@sql.sum.table                     | Report  Table RW Stat                      |
| show @@parser                            | Report parser status                       |
| show @@router                            | Report router status                       |
| show @@heartbeat                         | Report heartbeat status                    |
| show @@heartbeat.detail where name=?     | Report heartbeat current detail            |
| show @@slow where schema = ?             | Report schema slow sql                     |
| show @@slow where datanode = ?           | Report datanode slow sql                   |
| show @@sysparam                          | Report system param                        |
| show @@syslog limit=?                    | Report system mycat.log                    |
| show @@white                             | show mycat white host                      |
| show @@white.set=?,?                     | set mycat white host,[ip,user]             |
| switch @@datasource name:index           | Switch dataSource                          |
| kill @@connection id1,id2,...            | Kill the specified connections             |
| stop @@heartbeat name:time               | Pause dataNode heartbeat                   |
| reload @@config                          | Reload basic config from file              |
| reload @@config_all                      | Reload all config from file                |
| reload @@route                           | Reload route config from file              |
| reload @@user                            | Reload user config from file               |
| reload @@sqlslow=                        | Set Slow SQL Time(ms)                      |
| reload @@user_stat                       | Reset show @@sql  @@sql.sum @@sql.slow     |
| rollback @@config                        | Rollback all config from memory            |
| rollback @@route                         | Rollback route config from memory          |
| rollback @@user                          | Rollback user config from memory           |
| reload @@sqlstat=open                    | Open real-time sql stat analyzer           |
| reload @@sqlstat=close                   | Close real-time sql stat analyzer          |
| offline                                  | Change MyCat status to OFF                 |
| online                                   | Change MyCat status to ON                  |
| clear @@slow where schema = ?            | Clear slow sql by schema                   |
| clear @@slow where datanode = ?          | Clear slow sql by datanode                 |
56 rows in set (0.01 sec)
