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QCustomplot使用分享(六) 坐标轴和网格线

2023-03-20 15:27:35 时间





  1.3.2版本 2.0.0版本

表1 1.3.2版本和2.0.0版本坐标轴比较




  1 class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxis : public QCPLayerable
  2 {
  3     enum AxisType {//坐标轴类型,在一个坐标轴矩形QCPAxisRect中包含左、上、右和下四条坐标轴
  4         atLeft = 0x01  ///< <tt>0x01</tt> Axis is vertical and on the left side of the axis rect
  5         , atRight = 0x02  ///< <tt>0x02</tt> Axis is vertical and on the right side of the axis rect
  6         , atTop = 0x04  ///< <tt>0x04</tt> Axis is horizontal and on the top side of the axis rect
  7         , atBottom = 0x08  ///< <tt>0x08</tt> Axis is horizontal and on the bottom side of the axis rect
  8     };
  9     enum LabelSide {//坐标轴刻度上的文本的位置,刻度线里or外
 10         lsInside    ///< Tick labels will be displayed inside the axis rect and clipped to the inner axis rect
 11         , lsOutside  ///< Tick labels will be displayed outside the axis rect
 12     };
 13     enum ScaleType {//坐标轴类型,直线or对数线
 14         stLinear       ///< Linear scaling
 15         , stLogarithmic ///< Logarithmic scaling with correspondingly transformed axis coordinates (possibly also 
ef setTicker to a 
ef QCPAxisTickerLog instance).
 16     };
 17     enum SelectablePart {/坐标轴可以被选中的部分
 18         spNone = 0      ///< None of the selectable parts
 19         , spAxis = 0x001  ///< The axis backbone and tick marks
 20         , spTickLabels = 0x002  ///< Tick labels (numbers) of this axis (as a whole, not individually)
 21         , spAxisLabel = 0x004  ///< The axis label
 22     };
 24     explicit QCPAxis(QCPAxisRect *parent, AxisType type);
 25     virtual ~QCPAxis();
 26   //所有的get接口已经被我删除  看到对应的set接口,get接口的含义就不言而喻
 27     // setters:
 28     Q_SLOT void setScaleType(QCPAxis::ScaleType type);//设置坐标轴类型  直线or对数
 29     Q_SLOT void setRange(const QCPRange &range);//设置坐标轴范围
 30     void setRange(double lower, double upper); 33     void setTicker(QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTicker> ticker);//设置坐标轴计算刻度类,该参数是一个shared型智能指针,因此可以被多个坐标轴来同时使用
 31     void setTicks(bool show);//是否显示坐标轴,如果不显示坐标轴,那么网格线也就没有啦,因为没有了坐标轴刻度
 32     void setTickLabels(bool show);//是否显示坐标轴文本
 33     void setTickLabelPadding(int padding);//设置坐标走文本距离坐标轴线距离
 34     void setTickLabelFont(const QFont &font);//设置文本字体
 35     void setTickLabelColor(const QColor &color);//设置文本颜色
 36     void setTickLabelRotation(double degrees);//设置文本角度
 37     void setTickLabelSide(LabelSide side);//设置文本在刻度线里or外
 38     void setNumberFormat(const QString &formatCode);//设置文本格式
 39     void setNumberPrecision(int precision);//设置文本精度
 40     void setTickLength(int inside, int outside = 0);//设置大刻度高度
 41     void setTickLengthIn(int inside);//设置大刻度在里边长度
 42     void setTickLengthOut(int outside);//设置大刻度在外边长度
 43     void setSubTicks(bool show);//设置是否显示小刻度
 44     void setSubTickLength(int inside, int outside = 0);//设置小刻度高度
 45     void setSubTickLengthIn(int inside);//设置小刻度在坐标轴线里边长度
 46     void setSubTickLengthOut(int outside);//设置小刻度在坐标轴线外边长度
 47     void setBasePen(const QPen &pen);//设置基础线画笔  基础线是零线,即可以认为是坐标轴刻度为0的线
 48     void setTickPen(const QPen &pen);//设置大刻度画笔
 49     void setSubTickPen(const QPen &pen);//设置小刻度画笔
 50     void setLabelFont(const QFont &font);//设置坐标轴名称字体画笔
 51     void setLabelColor(const QColor &color);//设置坐标轴名称字体颜色
 52     void setLabel(const QString &str);//设置坐标轴名称文本
 53     void setLabelPadding(int padding);//设置坐标轴名称文本距离坐标轴刻度线距离
 54     void setPadding(int padding);//设置坐标轴距离边界距离
 55     void setOffset(int offset);//设置偏移量
 56     void setSelectedTickLabelFont(const QFont &font);//设置选中刻度文本时字体
 57     void setSelectedLabelFont(const QFont &font);//设置选中坐标轴名称时字体
 58     void setSelectedTickLabelColor(const QColor &color);//选中刻度文本时颜色
 59     void setSelectedLabelColor(const QColor &color);//选中坐标轴名称时颜色
 60     void setSelectedBasePen(const QPen &pen);//选中基础线时画笔
 61     void setSelectedTickPen(const QPen &pen);//选中大刻度时画笔
 62     void setSelectedSubTickPen(const QPen &pen);//选中小刻度时画笔
 63     Q_SLOT void setSelectableParts(const QCPAxis::SelectableParts &selectableParts);//设置能选中项的类型
 64     Q_SLOT void setSelectedParts(const QCPAxis::SelectableParts &selectedParts);
 65     void setLowerEnding(const QCPLineEnding &ending);//设置坐标轴小刻度端样式
 66     void setUpperEnding(const QCPLineEnding &ending);//坐标轴大刻度端样式 73 
 67     // non-property methods:
 68     Qt::Orientation orientation() const { return mOrientation; }//坐标轴朝向
 69     int pixelOrientation() const { return rangeReversed() != (orientation() == Qt::Vertical) ? -1 : 1; }
 70     void moveRange(double diff);//移动坐标轴
 71     void scaleRange(double factor);//按比例因子缩放
 72     void scaleRange(double factor, double center);//按范围缩放 81     void rescale(bool onlyVisiblePlottables = false);//重新适配坐标轴范围
 73     double pixelToCoord(double value) const;//像素到坐标轴坐标系
 74     double coordToPixel(double value) const;//坐标轴坐标系到像素 85     QList<QCPAbstractPlottable*> plottables() const;//所有的图
 75     QList<QCPGraph*> graphs() const;//所有的折线
 76     QList<QCPAbstractItem*> items() const;//所有的示意项 92 
 77 protected:
 78     AxisType mAxisType;//坐标轴类型
 79     QCPAxisRect *mAxisRect;//坐标轴所在矩形116 
 80     // non-property members:
 81     QCPGrid *mGrid;//网格120     QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTicker> mTicker;//坐标轴刻度计算类
 82     QVector<double> mTickVector;//大刻度
 83     QVector<QString> mTickVectorLabels;//大刻度文本
 84     QVector<double> mSubTickVector;//小刻度
 85     bool mCachedMarginValid;
 86     int mCachedMargin;
 88     // introduced virtual methods:
 89     virtual int calculateMargin();
 91     // reimplemented virtual methods:
 92     virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;//获取缺省的反锯齿属性
 93     virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;//画坐标轴
 94     virtual QCP::Interaction selectionCategory() const Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;//选择策略137 
 95     // non-virtual methods:
 96     void setupTickVectors();//计算刻度
 97     QPen getBasePen() const;//获取基础画笔
 98     QPen getTickPen() const;//获取大刻度画笔
 99     QPen getSubTickPen() const;//获取小刻度画笔
100     QFont getTickLabelFont() const;//获取刻度文本画笔
101     QFont getLabelFont() const;//获取坐标轴名称文本字体
102     QColor getTickLabelColor() const;//获取大刻度文本颜色
103     QColor getLabelColor() const;..获取坐标轴名称文本颜色
104 };



 1 class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPAxisTicker
 2 {
 3     Q_GADGET
 4 public:
 5     enum TickStepStrategy//刻度生成策略
 6     {
 7         tssReadability    ///< A nicely readable tick step is prioritized over matching the requested number of ticks (see 
ef setTickCount)
 8         , tssMeetTickCount ///< Less readable tick steps are allowed which in turn facilitates getting closer to the requested tick count
 9     };
11     QCPAxisTicker();
12     virtual ~QCPAxisTicker();
14     // setters:
15     void setTickStepStrategy(TickStepStrategy strategy);//设置刻度生成策略
16     void setTickCount(int count);//设置大刻度个数 有可能计算出来的刻度数不完全等于设置的刻度个数,取决于刻度生成策略
17     void setTickOrigin(double origin);//设置坐标轴领刻度
19     // introduced virtual methods:
20     virtual void generate(const QCPRange &range, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision, QVector<double> &ticks, QVector<double> *subTicks, QVector<QString> *tickLabels);
22 protected:
23     // introduced virtual methods:
24     virtual double getTickStep(const QCPRange &range);//根据坐标轴范围计算步长
25     virtual int getSubTickCount(double tickStep);//根据步长计算自刻度个数
26     virtual QString getTickLabel(double tick, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision);//根据指定语言、文本格式和精度获取文本
27     virtual QVector<double> createTickVector(double tickStep, const QCPRange &range);//生成大刻度
28     virtual QVector<double> createSubTickVector(int subTickCount, const QVector<double> &ticks);//生成小刻度
29     virtual QVector<QString> createLabelVector(const QVector<double> &ticks, const QLocale &locale, QChar formatChar, int precision);//生成刻度文本
31     // non-virtual methods:
32     void trimTicks(const QCPRange &range, QVector<double> &ticks, bool keepOneOutlier) const;//去除无效的刻度值
33     double pickClosest(double target, const QVector<double> &candidates) const;//该函数返回范围内第一个不小于(大于或等于)指定target的值。
34 };




 1 class QCP_LIB_DECL QCPGrid :public QCPLayerable
 2 {
 3     QCPGrid(QCPAxis *parentAxis);
 5     // setters:
 6     void setSubGridVisible(bool visible);//设置是否显示自网格线
 7     void setAntialiasedSubGrid(bool enabled);//设置子网格线是否反锯齿
 8     void setAntialiasedZeroLine(bool enabled);//设置零线(就是刻度值为0的线)是否反锯齿
 9     void setPen(const QPen &pen);//设置画笔
10     void setSubGridPen(const QPen &pen);//设置子网格画笔
11     void setZeroLinePen(const QPen &pen);//设置零线画笔
13 protected:
14     bool mSubGridVisible;//子网格是否显示标记
15     bool mAntialiasedSubGrid, mAntialiasedZeroLine;//子网格和零线是否反锯齿标记
16     QPen mPen, mSubGridPen, mZeroLinePen;//这个就不用说了
17     QCPAxis *mParentAxis;//对于的坐标轴,一个网格线对应一个坐标轴
18     virtual void applyDefaultAntialiasingHint(QCPPainter *painter) const;//获取缺省的反锯齿属性
19     virtual void draw(QCPPainter *painter);//绘制网格线,内部调用drawGridLines和drawSubGridLines
21     // non-virtual methods: 
22     void drawGridLines(QCPPainter *painter) const;//绘制网格线
23     void drawSubGridLines(QCPPainter *painter) const;//绘制子网格线
24 };




图1 y轴固定像素伸缩


 1 class AxisFixedPixelTicker : public QCPAxisTicker
 2 {
 3 public:
 4     AxisFixedPixelTicker(QCPAxis * axis);
 5     ~AxisFixedPixelTicker();
 7 public:
 8     void SetTickPixelStep(int pixel);//设置固定像素
 9     int GetTickPixelStep() const;//获取固定像素大小
11 protected:
12     //QCPAxisTicker
13     virtual double getTickStep(const QCPRange & range) override;//重写父类方法,根据固定像素返回步长值
15 private:
16     QScopedPointer<AxisFixedPixelTickerPrivate> d_ptr;
17 };


 1 double AxisFixedPixelTicker::getTickStep(const QCPRange & range) 
 2 {
 3     if (d_ptr->m_pDependAxis)
 4     {
 5         bool vertical;
 6         if (d_ptr->m_pDependAxis->axisType() == QCPAxis::atLeft
 7             || d_ptr->m_pDependAxis->axisType() == QCPAxis::atRight)
 8         {
 9             vertical = true;
10         }
11         else
12         {
13             vertical = false;
14         }
16         int screenLength = vertical ? d_ptr->m_pDependAxis->axisRect()->rect().height() : d_ptr->m_pDependAxis->axisRect()->rect().width();
17         return d_ptr->m_iPixel * range.size() / screenLength;
18     }
19     else
20     {
21         return __super::getTickStep(range);
22     }
23 }


  QCustomplot使用分享(一) 能做什么事

  QCustomplot使用分享(二) 源码解读

  QCustomplot使用分享(三) 图

  QCustomplot使用分享(四) QCPAbstractItem

  QCustomplot使用分享(五) 布局







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