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2023-03-15 22:08:07 时间

上篇文章发出来之后,群内前辈@郭其淼 针对性的提出两个问题:

1、 创建用户时可以用emplace的返回值作为已创建对象的编号。

2、 未对Multi-Index的一个关键性二级索引作出说明。



  • Multi-Index中增、删、改、查的实现
  • Multi-Index和chainbase之间的交互




      template<typename Lambda>
      const_iterator emplace( uint64_t payer, Lambda&& constructor ) {
         using namespace _multi_index_detail;
            auto pk = obj.primary_key();

            i.__primary_itr = db_store_i64( _scope, TableName, payer, pk, buffer, size );

            if ( max_stack_buffer_size < size ) {

            if( pk >= _next_primary_key )
               _next_primary_key = (pk >= no_available_primary_key) ? no_available_primary_key : (pk + 1);

         const item* ptr = itm.get();
         auto pk   = itm->primary_key();
         auto pitr = itm->__primary_itr;

         _items_vector.emplace_back( std::move(itm), pk, pitr );

         return {this, ptr};


*  Adds a new object (i.e., row) to the table.(在数据表中创建一个新的对象)
*  @brief Adds a new object (i.e., row) to the table.
*  @param payer - Account name of the payer for the Storage usage of the new object
*  @param constructor - Lambda function that does an in-place initialization of the object to be created in the table
*  @pre A multi index table has been instantiated //前置条件:multi-index已经被初始化
*  @post A new object is created in the Multi-Index table, with a unique primary key (as specified in the object).  The object is serialized and written to the table. If the table does not exist, it is created.
*  @post Secondary indices are updated to refer to the newly added object. If the secondary index tables do not exist, they are created.
*  @post The payer is charged for the storage usage of the new object and, if the table (and secondary index tables) must be created, for the overhead of the table creation.
 *  @return A primary key iterator to the newly created object
*  Exception - The account is not authorized to write to the table.


const T& get( uint64_t primary, const char* error_msg = "unable to find key" )const {
   auto result = find( primary );
   eosio_assert( result != cend(), error_msg );
   return *result;
const_iterator find( uint64_t primary )const {
   auto itr2 = std::find_if(_items_vector.rbegin(), _items_vector.rend(), [&](const item_ptr& ptr) {
   return ptr._item->primary_key() == primary;
   if( itr2 != _items_vector.rend() )
       return iterator_to(*(itr2->_item));

   auto itr = db_find_i64( _code, _scope, TableName, primary );
       if( itr < 0 ) return end();

       const item& i = load_object_by_primary_iterator( itr );
       return iterator_to(static_cast<const T&>(i));

可以看出,这其实和我们上篇文章中所使用的get来获取英雄相关信息是殊途同归,也就是使用emplace的返回结果也是该主键的一个迭代器。同时我们可以发现在find中使用了db_find_i64,他也包含在我们接下来要说的二级索引以及和chainbase的交互中,现在我们来将上篇文章中的代码稍作修改,然后再执行create action看看emplace的返回结果:

void tianlongbabu::create(account_name heroname,uint64_t heroforceidx,uint64_t heroinsideidx,string herodes,string heroborn)
    uint64_t heroindex = 0;
    auto dbhero = ht.emplace(_this_contract,[&](auto &p)
        p.heroid = ht.available_primary_key();   //主键自增
        heroindex = p.heroid;
        p.herodes        = herodes;
        p.heroborn       = heroborn;
        p.heroforceidx   = heroforceidx;
        p.heroinsideidx  = heroinsideidx;

//push action
ubuntu@VM-16-6-ubuntu:~/eos/contracts/tlbb$ cleos push action tlbb.code create '["xiaofeng","1000","500","丐帮帮主","辽国"]' -p xiaofeng
executed transaction: a92821dacc552d8cb9a9b60330a878b4d95e32a11a148fe7559a7189d6253e89  136 bytes  1274 us
#     tlbb.code <= tlbb.code::create            {"heroname":"xiaofeng","heroforceidx":1000,"heroinsideidx":500,"herodes":"丐帮帮主","heroborn":"...
>> xiaofeng出生在:辽国,现在是丐帮帮主,他的武力值:1000,他的内力值:500--emplace返回该英雄的编号:0


typedef eosio::multi_index<N(heros),heros,indexed_by<N(heroforceidx),const_mem_fun<heros,uint64_t,&heros::get_heroforceidx>>> heros_table;
heros_table ht;
void tianlongbabu::selectbyfidx(uint64_t heroforceidx)
    auto force_index = ht.get_index<N(heroforceidx)>();
    auto findhero = force_index.lower_bound(heroforceidx);
    eosio_assert(findhero != force_index.end(),"您查找的英雄不存在");
//push action
ubuntu@VM-16-6-ubuntu:~/eos/contracts/tlbb$ cleos push action tlbb.code selectbyfidx '["1000"]' -p tlbb.code
executed transaction: b2ccddeacabe7f9b5abe7f92725dd91c0f028ed1da414f276597d821def3c9dd  104 bytes  1013 us
#     tlbb.code <= tlbb.code::selectbyfidx      {"heroforceidx":1000}
>> 武力值为1000的英雄其编号为0



int apply_context::db_store_i64( uint64_t code, uint64_t scope, uint64_t table, const account_name& payer, uint64_t id, const char* buffer, size_t buffer_size ) {
//   require_write_lock( scope );
   const auto& tab = find_or_create_table( code, scope, table, payer );
   auto tableid = tab.id;

   FC_ASSERT( payer != account_name(), "must specify a valid account to pay for new record" );

   const auto& obj = db.create<key_value_object>( [&]( auto& o ) {
      o.t_id        = tableid;
      o.primary_key = id;
      o.value.resize( buffer_size );
      o.payer       = payer;
      memcpy( o.value.data(), buffer, buffer_size );

   db.modify( tab, [&]( auto& t ) {
          * Construct a new element in the multi_index_container.//使用boost::multi-index容器创建一个新的元素
          * Set the ID to the next available ID, then increment _next_id and fire off on_create().//将id设置为下一个可用id
         template<typename Constructor>
         const value_type& emplace( Constructor&& c ) {
            auto new_id = _next_id;

            auto constructor = [&]( value_type& v ) {
               v.id = new_id;
               c( v );

            auto insert_result = _indices.emplace( constructor, _indices.get_allocator() );

            if( !insert_result.second ) {
               BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION( std::logic_error("could not insert object, most likely a uniqueness constraint was violated") );

            on_create( *insert_result.first );
            return *insert_result.first;


