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2023-03-15 22:00:44 时间

“家用路由器”和书上讲的“路由器”完全不是一个概念!如果仅仅从功能上来说,路由器 = 交换机 + NAT。以下“家用路由器”专指家用路由器,而”路由器“专指书上讲的路由器。




Home routers are actually a combination of three networking components: a router, a firewall, and a switch. In a commercial setting the three pieces of hardware are kept separate but consumer routers are almost always a combination of both the routing and switching components with a firewall added in for good measure.

也就是说,家用路由器 = 路由器 + 防火墙 + 交换机  = 防火墙 + 交换机 + NAT。其中关于防火墙和交换机,参考博客1中分别给出描述:

Firewall: Routers act as basic firewalls in a variety of ways including automatically rejecting incoming data that is not part of an ongoing exchange between a computer within your network and the outside world. If you request a music stream from Pandora, for example, your router says, “We’re expecting you, come on in” and that stream of data is directed to the device that made the request. On the other hand, if a sudden burst of port probing comes in from an unknown address your router acts as a bouncer and rejects the requests, effectively cloaking your computers. Even for a user with a single computer a simple $50 router is worth it for the firewall functionality alone.

Switch: In addition to the inside-to-outside network functionality outlined above, home routers also act as a network switch. A network switch is a piece of hardware that facilitates communication between computers on an internal network. Without the switching function the devices could talk through the router to the greater internet but not to each other—something as simple as copying an MP3 from your laptop to your desktop over the network would be impossible.






(remote ip_r : port_r)--(local ip_a : a_port)

(remote ip_r : port_r)--(local ip_b : b_port)

假设恰好a_port和b_port的值相同,那么来自远端的响应数据到达路由器时,路由器就无法确定该请求应该给A还是给B。对于这种情况,NAT采用一个三元组来进行区分:(remote ip_r : port_r)(nat port)(local ip_a : a_port),即通过增加nat port来进行区分。当A和B请求到来时,为两个请求生成两个尚未使用的端口:a_port和b_port,并记录如下关系:

(remote ip_r : port_r)(nat a_port)(local ip_a : same_port)

(remote ip_r : port_r)(nat b_port)(local ip_b : same_port)



1、https://www.howtogeek.com/99001/htg-explains-routers-and-switches/ Understanding Routers,Switches,and Network Hardware

2、https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1596373286946216952&wfr=spider&for=pc 路由器和交换机的区别?路由器的作用和工作原理