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Grails 2.0 正式版发布

2023-03-15 21:59:21 时间

Grails 2.0 正式版发布了,Grails是一套用于快速Web应用开发的开源框架,它基于Groovy编程语言,并构建于Spring、Hibernate和其它标准Java框架之上,从而为大家带来一套能实现超高生产力的一站式框架。


◆  A new console UI incorporating tab completion and coloured output

◆ A better and more reliable reloading mechanism, resulting in far fewer server restarts

◆ Enhanced error reporting and problem diagnosis

◆ The latest and greatest libraries: Groovy 1.8, Spring 3.1, Hibernate 3.6 and Servlet 3.0

◆ A powerful framework for static resources (CSS, Javascript, etc.)

◆ New APIs for link generation and page rendering

◆ New GORM features: detached criteria, Where queries, multiple data sources, and more

◆ Standard plugins for database migrations and reverse engineering

◆ New unit testing API with full GORM emulation

◆ … plus hundreds of smaller improvements


◆ Documentation: http://grails.org/doc/2.0.x

◆ Download: http://grails.org/Download

◆ What’s new?: http://grails.org/doc/2.0.x/guide/introduction.html#whatsNew




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